CO-110 متر مونواکسید کربن
CO-110 متر مونوکسید کربن تشخیص حضور غلظت مونواکسید کربن (CO)
CO-110 Carbon Monoxide Meter
CO-110 Carbon Monoxide Meter detects the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) and measures concentrations between 1-1000 parts per million (PPM). The Meter indicates the presence of CO by a reading on the LCD and a beeper tone. The beeper function much like clicking of a Geiger counter:Above 200 PPM, the beeper sounds continuously with the concentration of CO. From 35 PPM to 200 PPM, the beeper sounds discontinuously with the concentration of CO.
1.Digital LCD Display
2.Auto/manual zero
3.Memory for 10 complete data sets
4.Record mode
5.Red & Blue LED light and audible alarm
6.High Accuracy, quick response
7.Pocket size and easy to use
8.Fast sampling
9.Max Hold
10.Data Hold
11.Above 200PPM, the beeper sounds continuously
اکسیژن متر ، کنداکتیویتی متر ، نمایندگی فروش اکسیژن متر ، مونواکسید کربن چیست ، نمایندگی فروش LUTRON ، نمایندگی فروشCEM ، کاربرد اکسیژن متر