KODAK INDUSTREX MX125 is tough. Its static resistance is unparalleled in the industry, and its heat resistance is remarkable. This NDT film is extremely durable; it can withstand the toughest handling (and darkroom practices). It also survives high humidity and is much less susceptible to handling artifacts than most industrial imaging films. This medium-speed film offers very fine grain and high contrast. Its excellent sensitivity makes it perfect for high-energy critical radiography
Extremely versatile KODAK INDUSTREX AA400 Film is a great solution for many NDT industrial applications. You can use it in single and multiple film radiography techniques—and with direct x-rays or with lead foil screens. Best of all, AA400 Film incorporates KODAKs patented T-GRAIN Emulsion technology for superior sensitivity. A400 film offers incredibly robust handling characteristics, withstanding high temperatures and humidity, and eliminating static artifacts. Get the image you need, whatever the working conditions
فیلم رادیوگرافی صنعتی ، فیلم رادیوگرافی ، فیلم صنعتی ، kodak ، فیلم کداک mx ، 125 ، کداکmx ، فیلم کداک aa ، 400 ، کداک aa ، mx ، aa ، kodak mx ، kodak aa